The ABCs of NLP, From A to Z - KDnuggets

2022-10-08 07:20:04 By : Ms. Nancy Ning

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There is no shortage of tools today that can help you through the steps of natural language processing, but if you want to get a handle on the basics this is a good place to start. Read about the ABCs of NLP, all the way from A to Z.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash  

There is no shortage of text data available today. Vast amounts of text are created each and every day, with this data ranging from fully structured to semi-structured to fully unstructured.

What can we do with this text? Well, quite a bit, actually; depending on exactly what your objectives are, there are 2 intricately related yet differentiated umbrellas of tasks which can be exploited in order to leverage the availability of all of this data.

  Let's start with some definitions.

As you may be able to tell from the above, the exact boundaries of these 2 concepts are not well-defined and agreed-upon, and bleed into one another to varying degrees, depending on the practitioners and researchers with whom one would discuss such matters. I find it easiest to differentiate by degree of insight. If raw text is data, then text mining can extract information, while NLP extracts knowledge (see the Pyramid of Understanding below). Syntax versus semantics, if you will.

  The Pyramid of Understanding: data, information, knowledge  

Various other explanations as to the precise relationship between text mining and NLP exist, and you are free to find something that works better for you. We aren't really as concerned with the exact definitions — absolute or relative — as much as we are with the intuitive recognition that the concepts are related with some overlap, yet still distinct.

The point we will move forward with: although NLP and text mining are not the same thing, they are closely related, deal with the same raw data type, and have some crossover in their uses. For the remainder of our discussion, we will conveniently refer to these 2 concepts as NLP. Importantly, much of the preprocessing of data for the tasks falling under these 2 umbrellas is identical.

Regardless of the exact NLP task you are looking to perform, maintaining text meaning and avoiding ambiguity is paramount. As such, attempts to avoid ambiguity is a large part of the text preprocessing process. We want to preserve intended meaning while eliminating noise. In order to do so, the following is required:

If this were easy, we likely wouldn't be talking about it. What are some reasons why processing text is difficult?

  Source: CS124 Stanford (  

You may have noticed something curious about the above: "non-standard English." While certainly not the intention of the figure — we are taking it fully out of context here — for a variety of reasons, much of NLP research has historically taken place within the confines of the English language. So we can add to the question of "Why is processing text difficult?" the additional layers of trouble which non-English languages — and especially languages with smaller numbers of speakers, or even endangered languages — must go through in order to be processed and have insights drawn from.

  Image by on Freepik  

Just being cognizant of the fact that NLP ≠ English when thinking and speaking about NLP is one small way in which this bias can be stemmed.

  Can we craft a sufficiently general framework for approaching textual data science tasks? It turns out that processing text is very similar to other non-text processing tasks, and so we can look to the KDD Process for inspiration.

We can say that these are the main steps of a generic text-based task, one which falls under text mining or NLP.

  A simple textual data task framework  

Clearly, any framework focused on the preprocessing of textual data would have to be synonymous with step number 2. Expanding upon this step, specifically, we had the following to say about what this step would likely entail:

So, as mentioned above, it seems as though there are 3 main components of text preprocessing:

As we lay out a framework for approaching preprocessing, we should keep these high-level concepts in mind.

  We will introduce this framework conceptually, independent of tools. We will then followup with a practical implementation of these steps next time, in order to see how they would be carried out in the Python ecosystem.

The sequence of these tasks is not necessarily as follows, and there can be some iteration upon them as well.

  Noise removal performs some of the substitution tasks of the framework. Noise removal is a much more task-specific section of the framework than are the following steps.

Keep in mind again that we are not dealing with a linear process, the steps of which must exclusively be applied in a specified order. Noise removal, therefore, can occur before or after the previously-outlined sections, or at some point between).

How about something more concrete. Let's assume we obtained a corpus from the world wide web, and that it is housed in a raw web format. We can, then, assume that there is a high chance our text could be wrapped in HTML or XML tags. While this accounting for metadata can take place as part of the text collection or assembly process (step 1 of our textual data task framework), it depends on how the data was acquired and assembled. Sometimes we have control of this data collection and assembly process, and so our corpus may already have been de-noised during collection.

But this is not always the case. If the corpus you happen to be using is noisy, you have to deal with it. Recall that analytics tasks are often talked about as being 80% data preparation!

The good thing is that pattern matching can be your friend here, as can existing software tools built to deal with just such pattern matching tasks.

As you can imagine, the boundary between noise removal and data collection and assembly is a fuzzy one, and as such some noise removal must absolutely take place before other preprocessing steps. For example, any text required from a JSON structure would obviously need to be removed prior to tokenization.

  Before further processing, text needs to be normalized.

Normalizing text can mean performing a number of tasks, but for our framework we will approach normalization in 3 distinct steps: (1) stemming, (2) lemmatization, and (3) everything else.

For example, stemming the word "better" would fail to return its citation form (another word for lemma); however, lemmatization would result in the following:

It should be easy to see why the implementation of a stemmer would be the less difficult feat of the two.

  A clever catch-all, right? Stemming and lemmatization are major parts of a text preprocessing endeavor, and as such they need to be treated with the respect they deserve. These aren't simple text manipulation; they rely on detailed and nuanced understanding of grammatical rules and norms.

There are, however, numerous other steps that can be taken to help put all text on equal footing, many of which involve the comparatively simple ideas of substitution or removal. They are, however, no less important to the overall process. These include:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

A this point, it should be clear that text preprocessing relies heavily on pre-built dictionaries, databases, and rules. You will be relieved to find that when we undertake a practical text preprocessing task in the Python ecosystem in our next article that these pre-built support tools are readily available for our use; there is no need to be inventing our own wheels.

Tokenization is also referred to as text segmentation or lexical analysis. Sometimes segmentation is used to refer to the breakdown of a large chunk of text into pieces larger than words (e.g. paragraphs or sentences), while tokenization is reserved for the breakdown process which results exclusively in words.

This may sound like a straightforward process, but it is anything but. How are sentences identified within larger bodies of text? Off the top of your head you probably say "sentence-ending punctuation," and may even, just for a second, think that such a statement is unambiguous.

Sure, this sentence is easily identified with some basic segmentation rules:

  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.  

But what about this one:

  Dr. Ford did not ask Col. Mustard the name of Mr. Smith's dog.  

  "What is all the fuss about?" asked Mr. Peters.  

And that's just sentences. What about words? Easy, right? Right?

  This full-time student isn't living in on-campus housing, and she's not wanting to visit Hawai'i.  

It should be intuitive that there are varying strategies not only for identifying segment boundaries, but also what to do when boundaries are reached. For example, we might employ a segmentation strategy which (correctly) identifies a particular boundary between word tokens as the apostrophe in the word she's (a strategy tokenizing on whitespace alone would not be sufficient to recognize this). But we could then choose between competing strategies such as keeping the punctuation with one part of the word, or discarding it altogether. One of these approaches just seems correct, and does not seem to pose a real problem. But just think of all the other special cases in just the English language we would have to take into account.

Consideration: when we segment text chunks into sentences, should we preserve sentence-ending delimiters? Are we interested in remembering where sentences ended?

  We have covered some text (pre)processing steps useful for NLP tasks, but what about the tasks themselves?

There are no hard lines between these task types; however, many are fairly well-defined at this point. A given macro NLP task may include a variety of sub-tasks.

We first outlined the main approaches, since the technologies are often focused on for beginners, but it's good to have a concrete idea of what types of NLP tasks there are. Below are the main categories of NLP tasks.

Actual storage mechanisms for the bag of words representation can vary, but the following is a simple example using a dictionary for intuitiveness. Sample text:

"Well, well, well," said John.

"There, there," said James. "There, there."

The resulting bag of words representation as a dictionary:

An example of trigram (3-gram) model of the second sentence of the above example ("There, there," said James. "There, there.") appears as a list representation below:

  Source: Adrian Colyer  

We could consider the image above, for example, as a small excerpt of a vector representing the sentence "The queen entered the room." Note that only the element for "queen" has been activated, while those for "king," "man," etc. have not. You can imagine how differently the one-hot vector representation of the sentence "The king was once a man, but is now a child" would appear in the same vector element section pictured above.

So, what exactly are these features? We leave it to a neural network to determine the important aspects of relationships between words. Though human interpretation of these features would not be precisely possible, the image above provides an insight into what the underlying process may look like, relating to the famous King - Man + Woman = Queen example.

  Named entity recognition (NER) using spaCy (text excerpt taken from here)  

  Whether it be in dialog systems or the practical difference between rule-based and more complex approaches to solving NLP tasks, note the trade-off between precision and generalizability; you generally sacrifice in one area for an increase in the other.

  While not cut and dry, there are 3 main groups of approaches to solving NLP tasks.

  Dependency parse tree using spaCy

  Rule-based approaches are the oldest approaches to NLP. Why are they still used, you might ask? It's because they are tried and true, and have been proven to work well. Rules applied to text can offer a lot of insight: think of what you can learn about arbitrary text by finding what words are nouns, or what verbs end in -ing, or whether a pattern recognizable as Python code can be identified. Regular expressions and context free grammars are textbook examples of rule-based approaches to NLP.

  "Traditional" machine learning approaches include probabilistic modeling, likelihood maximization, and linear classifiers. Notably, these are not neural network models (see those below).

Traditional machine learning approaches are characterized by:

  This is similar to "traditional" machine learning, but with a few differences:

Specific neural networks of use in NLP have "historically" included recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Today, the one architecture that rules them all is the transformer.

  Importantly, both neural network and non-neural network approaches can be useful for contemporary NLP in their own right; they can also can be used or studied in tandem for maximum potential benefit

    Matthew Mayo (@mattmayo13) is a Data Scientist and the Editor-in-Chief of KDnuggets, the seminal online Data Science and Machine Learning resource. His interests lie in natural language processing, algorithm design and optimization, unsupervised learning, neural networks, and automated approaches to machine learning. Matthew holds a Master's degree in computer science and a graduate diploma in data mining. He can be reached at editor1 at kdnuggets[dot]com.  

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